Get to Know… A COBS Bread Baker
Here at COBS Bread we would be nothing without our wonderful bakers who start baking every product fresh before the sun rises for the day. By waking up early and baking from scratch daily, we ensure that we are providing the freshest bread and baked treats in town. Baking fresh is not just a philosophy it’s baked into everything that we do. So we sat down with one of our COBS Bread Bakers and Product Innovation Specialist, Jake Arabiana, to ask him all things bread and baking.
How do you prefer to start each day?
Coffee and a fresh cup of fruit juice are always a good way to start my day.
What’s your favourite part of the day?
Any time when I am working with doughs and creating new products.
What are your favorite techniques you use daily as a baker?
My favorite is shaping baguettes and scoring the doughs before it goes to bake in the oven.
What’s the most fulfilling aspect of being a baker?
To experience and see the transformation from raw ingredients to this beautiful thing called bread and the heavenly smell of freshly baked goods is the most fulfilling part of being a baker.
What is your favorite COBS Bread Loaf?
Cape Seed Loaf is my favorite.
What COBS Bread treat perks you up?
Cinnamon Rolls are a go to treat for me when I need a second wind!
What baked good item do you wish you invented?
Cinnamon Rolls, Cookies & Sourdough.
There are two ways to master the art of sourdough.
You can spend years crafting, refining and baking countless loaves of bread to gain the experience and expertise required to deliver excellence.
Or, you can simply visit your local COBS bakery.