To our Community,
We are here to help. It’s a difficult time, and our priority is the safety of staff and customers. COBS Bread bakeries will continue to remain open to serve the needs of our communities. In order to ensure we are providing the most sanitary and safe environment, our bakeries are doing the following:
Social Distancing: We are limiting the number of customers on the sales floor to a maximum of 3 family groups at a time. As such, we are asking our customers to please form a line outside and enter when someone leaves to ensure this is being met.
Shopping Bags: Please leave your personal shopping bags at home. We will be happy to pack your product for you.
Cash handling: Our preference is that all customers pay with debit or credit card whenever possible.
Pick-up Tissues: Staff are using new wax pick-up tissues with every transaction.
Cleaning and Sanitization: We are reinforcing our rigorous standards and operating procedures including frequent sanitation of all high touch-points in our bakeries including door handles, payment terminals, counters, tabletops, and more, every 20 minutes.
Hand-washing: All staff are washing their hands a minimum of every 20 minutes, and after they have handled cash or touched any un-sanitized surface.
Staff Health: We are encouraging our employees to closely monitor their health and well-being and to stay home if they, or someone they have been in contact with, are feeling unwell.
Sampling: We have suspended in-bakery sampling at this time.
We are working closely with our suppliers to ensure we can continue to provide you with the products you love.
We are staying informed and taking direction from the federal and provincial government.
Why don’t your bakery staff wear gloves?
COBS Bread staff use disposable pick-up-tissue for each customer. This ensures that the product remains untouched, and that staff can easily wash their hands as often as possible.
Why don’t your bakery staff wear masks?
Masks are not recommended for people who do not have the COVID-19 virus.
Our COBS Bread Task Force is meeting daily, and our bakeries will remain open to serve your needs. We are committed to keeping the highest standard of customer service, and providing you with the freshest baked bread and treats you have come to expect from COBS Bread.
We are thankful for your understanding and continued support.